Our 2024 season AGM was held 6pm, Wednesday 5th February 2025 in the clubrooms at Drury Sports Complex, Victoria Street, Drury.
All were welcome. Matters for the Agenda were to be submitted by Saturday 1st Feb so that they may be included in the meeting. None were received.
Due to changes to the Incorporated Societies Act 2022, it has been necessary to make associated changes to our Constitution to ensure we remain compliant.
These were tabled at the AGM (Item 10 Remits) for ratification. Attached here is the ratified Constitution and a copy with the changes tracked to make them easily identifiable. Also attached is a check list of what is required in a Constitution and what our relevant clauses are to show our compliance.
The next AGM for the 2025 season is scheduled for Weds 4th February, 2026.