2024 Prizegiving - Seniors

9 Nov

The Senior Prizegiving event date is still to be confirmed, but meanwhile we do need club award nominations in shortly so here’s some end-of-season information…




Sun 1st Sept      Club award nominations due in

September        Last game day – please hand club kit in to your coach/manager

Sun 22nd Sept   2pm-5:30pm    Junior/Youth Prizegiving @ Drury School Hall

Sun 29th Sept    Senior award nominations due in

Sat 9th Nov        Senior prizegiving event @ Maxwell's Golf Retreat, Bombay;  footgolf from 3pm, dinner from 6pm



There are several Club Awards presented at Prizegiving.

Please submit nominations for any person you feel meets the requirements in the award categories noted below by Sunday 1st Sept. Don't forget to tell us why this person deserves special recognition!



We have THREE club trophies which can be awarded across any level of the club, to a player, coach, manager, committee member or supporter.


Ray Bellanca Memorial Trophy - 'Thanks For The Hand’

Ray was a long-time Drury Senior player who passed away suddenly in 2011 playing the game he loved, and this trophy was presented to the club in honour of his memory by his widow Kathleen and buddies from his poker group. Ray understood that clubs are kept running by volunteers and that outstanding service to the club deserves recognition.

Please nominate any person you believe has provided excellent service to the club this season, beyond what would normally be expected, along with an explanation of why they deserve this award.


Trevor Waite Memorial Trophy

Trevor was a Senior player tragically taken in 2013 and this trophy was presented to the club in honour of his memory by his family. As Trevor's two daughters played and coached at Drury for several years, it was decided his trophy would recognise outstanding female achievement in football.

Please nominate any female club member (player, coach or manager) who has made contributions of exceptional note to football or has had an achievement of note this season.


Yuksel Administrator Cup

This cup is to recognise the contribution managers and administrators make to our teams and club. They are the oil that keeps the machine running, the efficient worker in the background keeping everyone informed, assisting the club with admin tasks, sorting gear and answering questions so the coach & players can just focus on the game.  

Please nominate any person who has made contributions of exceptional note to a team or teams in an administrator or manager role this season.





These recognise the outstanding contributions to DUFC by a person over an extended period of time, usually 10 years or more. If you have any recommendations for Life Membership, please forward them, along with a brief reason why your nominee is deserving.


The Committee will consider all nominations received and select the recipient, who will be presented with their award at Prizegiving.




Each team is to award 3 trophies to be won by a player. Teams decide this amongst themselves and the team coach/manager. 

  1. MVP Most Valuable Player
  2. Players Player: as voted by the players
  3. Team Member: the player in the team who goes the extra mile, maybe not on the field but for the team  




We also have the following trophies to be won with nominations from each team... 

PLEASE give an explanation for WHY this person deserves the nomination otherwise we have nothing to compare! Nominations just putting forward a name without a reason will be discounted.


  1. Golden Boot: the player who has scored the most goals over the season, a nomination from each Team (need to know name & number of goals scored - this can wait until the last game has been played so all goals are counted)


  1. Goal of the Year: a brief write-up for the person in your team that scored an outstanding goal of note during the season with explanation as to why they deserve this club award


  1. Junior Player of the Year: an under 20s player who plays in a Senior Team, nominated by management of each team with explanation as to why they deserve this club award


  1. Dick of the Year: player from each Team who has done something stupid, nominated by management of each team with explanation as to why they deserve this club award.


Nominations for Senior awards are due in by Sunday 29th September 

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